Japanese (日本語版)

LastUpdate 10/5/2023

 You can't play the piano. You can't play the guitar. You have never played an instrument.
 But it's okay. There is computer music.
 If you have a "computer" , "music software" , "sound sourse" and "score" , you can play your own music. Moreover , if you save the performance as a MIDI file , you can listen to it anytime just by double-clicking the file. Furthermore , if the MIDI file is converted for audio , you can listen to it with caraudio while driving.
 My first encounter with computer music was at a bookstore when I came across a book titled "Misterious and Fun Introduction to Computer Music (by Yu Yoneda) (Technical Review Company)".
 There was an explanation of what I need to start computer music , but for me as an amateur, there were so many different types that I couldn't choose from then.
 However , when I saw the description that there was a set of "music software",
"sound sourse" , and "MIDI interface" necessary for computer music , "Roland's Mujiro" was the best for me as an amateur , so I bought it.
 Currently , I am using "Mujiro Net Campus" which is a set of "music software (music creater) " , "music sourse (Campus SD-20)" and "USB cable".
 The MIDI files in the table below were created using "Mujiro Net Studio" and can be listened to by clicking on them. I can't say that I'm very good at it , but I have a special feeling for what I created. You can enjoy powerful sound by attaching speakers (sold separately) to your computer.

No Song Title MIDI File
 Shake Hip ! (Kome-Kome CLUB)  ShakeHip.mid
 Ah , Summer Vacation (Tube)  AaNatsuyasumi.mid
 Only There Are You (Kome-Kome CLUB)  KimigaIrudakede.mid
 Midsummer Fruit (Suthern All Stars) ManatsuKazitsu.mid
 Top Of the World (Carpenters)  TopOfTheWorld.mid
 Yesterday Once More (Carpenters)  YesterdayOnceMore.mid
 Someday My Prince (Walt・Disney) SomedayPrince.mid
 Small World (Walt・Disney) SmallWorld.mid
 The Wind Rises (Seiko Matsuda) KazeTachinu.mid
10  Blue Coral Reef (Seiko Matsuda) AoiSangosyou.mid
11  Please Mr.Postman (Carpenters) PleaseMrPostman.mid
12  Sailor Moon SeiraMoon.mid
13  Space Battle Ship Yamato SenkanYamato.mid

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