LastUpdate 1/15/2024

(Main text) Interesting Simulation "Approximation of Pi"! (Click or Tap)

Japanese (日本語版)

※Click on each item below to download the simulation software...

 『Throw coins to find an approximate value of pi !(VB)

 『Throw coins to find an approximate value of pi!(Java)

 『Scatter sesame seeds to find an approximate value of pi!(VB)

 『Scatter sesame seeds to find an approximate value of pi!(Java)

 『Scatter needles to find an approximate value of pi!(VB)

 『Scatter needles to find an approximate value of pi!(Java)

※Please click below to check the operating environment and other details...
 Simulation Throw Coins to Find an Approximate Value of Pi 

※For information on downloading the Android version , please click below...
 Interesting "Android App"! 

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