Japanese (日本語版)

LastUpdate 3/4/2023

 In the following equation , which is said to be the most beautiful equation , pi , natural logarithm base e , imaginary number unit i , and natural number 1 appear.
 Both the circular constant πand the base e of the natural logarithm are irrational numbers and become infinite decimals that don't circulate.
 A newspaper airticle reported that a man in his 50s from Nagano Prefecture calculated the approximate value of pi using his own personal computer , and found the correct approximate value of π to 5 trillion decimal places , and was registered in the Guiness Book of Records. It was on.
 In BC , Archimedes (BC287-BC212) determined the correct approximation of π to the second decimal place from a regular 96-gon inscribed and a regular 96-gon circumscribed in a circle.
 In the 17th centry , Rudolph of Holland (1540-1610) used the positive 2~62 polygon inscribed in a circle to obtain a correct approximation of π to 35 decimal places. He devoted his life to finding an approximation of pi.
 In about 2000 years from Archimedes (BC287-BC212) to Rudolph (1540-1610) , the correct approximation of pi has grown by only 35 places from 2 decimal places to 35 decimal places.
 From Archimedes to Rudolf , the approximation of pi was obtained using regular polygons inscribed and circumscribed in a circle.
 Since then , many people have discovered infinite reries that approximate pi , and have used them to approximate pi. Furthermore , with the development of computers , the number of digits of the approximation value of pi has incresed dramatically by computing these infinite series.
 Similar to pi , many infinite series have been found that approximate the base of the national logarithm.
 Please enjoy the experience of finding approximate valuesof pi and the base e of national rogarithms using infinite series on a personal computer , which has become more common these days , on this webside. 2.4.2011 written down.

No Table of contents
 Consider of an Approximation of Pi
 Consider an Approximation to the base e of Natural Logarithms
 Consider an Approximation of the Natural Number 1
 Download "UBASIC"
 Running "UBASIC"
 Running "Excel VBA"
 Download the Sample Program

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 【1】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai01
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 1000000
50 S=S+1/(2*N-1)*(-1)^(N+1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";4*S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai01"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai01()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 1000000
           s = s + 1 / (2 * n - 1) * (-1) ^ (n + 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = 4 * s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai01()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 5th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【2】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai02
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 2000000 step 2
50 S=S+1/((2*N-1)*(2*N+1))
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";8*S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai02"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai02()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 2000000 Step 2
           s = s + 1 / ((2 * n - 1) * (2 * n + 1))
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = 8 * s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai02()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 6th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【3】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai03
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 1000000
50 S=S+1/(N*N)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";sqrt(6*S)
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai03"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai03()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 1000000
           s = s + 1 / (n * n)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = Sqr(6 * s)
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai03()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 5th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【4】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai04
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 2000000 step 2
50 S=S+1/(N*N)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";sqrt(8*S)
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai04"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai04()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 2000000 Step 2
           s = s + 1 / (n * n)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = Sqr(8 * s)
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai04()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 6th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【5】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai05
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=2 to 2000000 step 2
50 S=S+1/(N*N)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";sqrt(24*S)
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai05"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai05()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 0

        For n = 2 To 2000000 Step 2
           s = s + 1 / (n * n)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = Sqr(24 * s)
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai05()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 5th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【6】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai06
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 1000000
50 S=S+1/(N*N)*(-1)^(N+1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";sqrt(12*S)
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai06"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai06()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 1000000
           s = s + 1 / (n * n) * (-1) ^ (n + 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = Sqr(12 * s)
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai06()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 11th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is faster than that of 【1】~【5】.

Forward Next Table
 【7】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai07
20 cls
30 S=1
40 for N=1 to 1000000
50 S=S*(2*N*2*N)/((2*N-1)*(2*N+1))
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";2*S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai07"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai07()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 1

        For n = 1 To 1000000
           s = s * (2 * n * 2 * n) / ((2 * n - 1) * (2 * n + 1))
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = 2 * s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai07()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 5th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【8】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai08
20 cls
30 S=1
40 for N=3 to 3000000 step 3
50 S=S*(N*N)/((N-1)*(N+1))
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";S*3*sqrt(3)/2
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai08"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai08()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 1

        For n = 3 To 3000000 Step 3
           s = s * (n * n) / ((n - 1) * (n + 1))
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s * 3 * Sqr(3) / 2
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai08()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 6th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【9】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai09
20 cls
30 S=1
40 for N=4 to 4000000 step 4
50 S=S*(N*N)/((N-1)*(N+1))
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";S*2*sqrt(2)
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai09"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai09()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 1

        For n = 4 To 4000000 Step 4
           s = s * (n * n) / ((n - 1) * (n + 1))
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s * 2 * Sqr(2)
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai09()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 6th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【10】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai10
20 cls
30 S=1
40 for N=6 to 6000000 step 6
50 S=S*(N*N)/((N-1)*(N+1))
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";S*3
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai10"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai10()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 1

        For n = 6 To 6000000 Step 6
           s = s * (n * n) / ((n - 1) * (n + 1))
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s * 3
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai10()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 6th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of one million terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is slow.

Forward Next Table
 【11】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai11
20 cls
30 S=1
40 for N=1 to 36
50 S=S+1/(2*N+1)*(1/3^N)*(-1)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";S*2*sqrt(3)
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai11"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai11()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 1

        For n = 1 To 36
           s = s + 1 / (2 * n + 1) * (1 / 3 ^ n) * (-1) ^ n
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s * 2 * Sqr(3)
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai11()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 18th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 36 terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【12】 Approximation of pi by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate π , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of π

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"pai12
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 48
50 S=S+(1/(2*N-1)*(1/2^(2*N-1)+1/3^(2*N-1))*(-1)^(N+1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"Pai=";S*4
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"pai12"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub pai12()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "π ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 48
           s = s + (1 / (2 * n - 1)) * (1 / 2 ^ (2 * n - 1) + 1 / 3 ^ (2 * n - 1)) * (-1) ^ (n + 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = 4 * s
           Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 7 , and the column width of column C to 22.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after the decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub pai12()"in the program listing.
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform".
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ , the correct value of π to the 18th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 36 terms of the infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【13】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e01
20 cls
30 T=1
40 for M=1 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e01"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e01()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 1
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub01()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 19th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【14】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e02
20 cls
30 T=1
40 for M=1 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(-1)^(N+1)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"1/e=";T
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"1/#e=";1/#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e02"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e02()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 1
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "1/e ="
        Range("b4") = "1/Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (-1) ^ (n + 1)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t
        Next m

        Range("c4") = 1 / Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub02()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 18th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【15】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e03
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=1 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*M
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e03"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e03()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s= s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * m
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub03()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 17th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【16】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e04
20 cls
30 T=1
40 for M=2 to 20 step2
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M+1)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e04"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e04()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 1
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 2 To 20 Step 2
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m + 1)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub04()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 19th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 10 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【17】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e05
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=1 to 10
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to (2*M-1)
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*M
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T*2
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e05"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e05()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 10
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To (2 * m - 1)
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * m
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t * 2
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub05()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 17th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 10 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【18】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e06
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=3 to 19 step 2
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M-1)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"1/e=";T
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"1/#e=";1/#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e06"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e06()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "1/e ="
        Range("b4") = "1/Exp(1) ="

        For m = 3 To 17 Step 2
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m - 1)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t
        Next m

        Range("c4") = 1 / Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub06()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 18th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 9 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【19】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e07
20 cls
30 T=1
40 for M=1 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M+1)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T/2
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e07"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e07()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 1
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m + 1)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t / 2
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub07()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 18th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【20】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e08
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=1 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*M^2
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T/2
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e08"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e08()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * m ^ 2
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t / 2
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub08()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 17th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【21】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e09
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=1 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M-1)^2
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T+1
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e09"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e09()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m - 1) ^ 2
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t + 1
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub09()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 16th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【22】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e10
20 cls
30 T=1
40 for M=1 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M+1)^2
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T/5
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e10"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e10()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 1
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m + 1) ^ 2
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t / 5
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub10()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 17th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【23】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e11
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=2 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M-1)*(M+1)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T-1
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e11"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e11()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 2 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m - 1) * (m + 1)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t - 1
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub11()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 16th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【24】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e12
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=1 to 20
50 S=1:SS=0
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 SS=SS+N
90 next N
100 T=T+S*SS
110 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
120 locate 10,11:print"e=";T*2/3
130 next M
140 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
150 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e12"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e12()
        Dim t, s, ss, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 1 To 20
           s = 1: ss = 0

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
              ss = ss + n
           Next n

           t = t + s * ss
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t * 2 / 3
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub12()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 17th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【25】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e13
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=2 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M-1)*(M^2+1)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";(T-1)/3
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e13"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e13()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 2 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m - 1) * (m ^ 2 + 1)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = (t - 1) / 3
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub13()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 15th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【26】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e14
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=2 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M-1)*(M^2)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";T/3
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e14"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e14()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 2 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m - 1) * (m ^ 2)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t / 3
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub14()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 15th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【27】 Approximation to the base e of natural logarithms by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate e , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of e

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"e15
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=2 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M-1)*(M^2-1)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"e=";(T+1)/3
120 next M
130 locate 10,12:pint"#e=";#e
140 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"e15"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "point 10" , and press [Enter]. (48 digits)
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program ltst
     Sub e15()
        Dim t, s, m, n As Double
        t = 0
        Range("b2") = "m ="
        Range("b3") = "e ="
        Range("b4") = "Exp(1) ="

        For m = 2 To 20
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s = s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m - 1) * (m ^ 2 - 1)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = (t + 1) / 3
        Next m

        Range("c4") = Exp(1)
     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 10 , and the column width of column C to 20.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Right-click on cell C4 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 14.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , B4 , C2 , C3 , and C4 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub15()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     In ④ ,the correct value of e to the 15th decimal place is obtained by the partial sum of 20 terms of infinite series.
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【28】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one01
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+1*(1/2)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one01"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one01()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 50
           s = s + (1 / 2) * (1 / 2) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one01()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【29】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one02
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+2*(1/3)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one02"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one02()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 30
           s = s + (2 / 3) * (1 / 3) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one02()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【30】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one03
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 30
50 S=S+3*(1/4)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one03"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one03()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 20
           s = s + (3 / 4) * (1 / 4) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one03()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【31】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one04
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+4*(1/5)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one04"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one04()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 20
           s = s + (4 / 5) * (1 / 5) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one04()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【32】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one05
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+5*(1/6)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one05"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one05()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s= s + (5 / 6) * (1 / 6) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one05()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【33】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one06
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+6*(1/7)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one06"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one06()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s = s + (6 / 7) * (1 / 7) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one06()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【34】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one07
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+7*(1/8)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one07"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one07()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s = s + (7 / 8) * (1 / 8) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one07()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【35】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one08
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+8*(1/9)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one08"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one08()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s = s + (8 / 9) * (1 / 9) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one08()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【36】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one09
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+9*(1/10)^N
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one09"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one09()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s = s + (9 / 10) * (1 / 10) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one09()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【37】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one10
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+(3/2)*(-1/2)^(N-1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one10"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one10()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 50
           s = s + (3 / 2) * (-1 / 2) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one10()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【38】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one11
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+(4/3)*(-1/3)^(N-1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one11"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one11()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 30
           s = s + (4 / 3) * (-1 / 3) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one11()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【39】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one12
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 30
50 S=S+(5/4)*(-1/4)^(N-1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one12"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one12()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 20
           s = s + (5 / 4) * (-1 / 4) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one12()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【40】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one13
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+(6/5)*(-1/5)^(N-1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one13"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one13()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 20
           s = s + (6 / 5) * (-1 / 5) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one13()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【41】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one14
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 50
50 S=S+(7/6)*(-1/6)^(N-1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one14"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one14()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s = s + (7 / 6) * (-1 / 6) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one14()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【42】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one15
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 20
50 S=S+(8/7)*(-1/7)^(N-1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one15"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one15()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s = s + (8 / 7) * (-1 / 7) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one15()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【43】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one16
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 20
50 S=S+(9/8)*(-1/8)^(N-1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one16"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one16()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s = s + (9 / 8) * (-1 / 8) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one16()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【44】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one17
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 10
50 S=S+(10/9)*(-1/9)^(N-1)
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one17"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one17()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 10
           s = s + (10 / 9) * (-1 / 9) ^ (n - 1)
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one17()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【45】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one18
20 cls
30 T=0
40 for M=2 to 20
50 S=1
60 for N=1 to M
70 S=S*1/N
80 next N
90 T=T+S*(M-1)
100 locate 10,10:print"m=";M
110 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
120 next M
130 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one18"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one18()
        Dim n, m As Double
        Dim s, t As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        t = 0

        For m = 2 To 16
           s = 1

           For n = 1 To m
              s= s * 1 / n
           Next n

           t = t + s * (m - 1)
           Range("c2") = m
           Range("c3") = t
        Next m

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one18()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 【46】 Approximation of 1 by the sum of infinite series

 ① The following infinite series was used to approximate 1 , programed with "UBASIC" and "Excel VBA" respectively.
 ② Approximating infinite series of 1

 ③ UBASIC program list
10 'save"one19
20 cls
30 S=0
40 for N=1 to 100000
50 S=S+1/(N*(N+1))
60 locate 10,10:print"n=";N
70 locate 10,11:print"S=";S
80 next N
90 end

 ④ UBASIC program trial method and results
     Double-click "UB32.EXE".
     At the MS-DOS screen , type 「load"one19"」 , and press [Enter].
     At the MS-DOS screen , type "run" , and press [Enter].
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑤ ExcelVBA program list
     Sub one19()
        Dim n As Double
        Dim s As Double
        Range("b2") = "n ="
        Range("b3") = "S ="
        s = 0

        For n = 1 To 100000
           s= s + 1 / (n * (n + 1))
           Range("c2") = n
           Range("c3") = s
        Next n

     End Sub

 ⑥ ExcelVBA program trial method and results
     Set the column width of column B of the sheet to 8 , and the column width of column C to 26.
     Right-click on cell C3 , and select Format Cells.
     Set the display format classification to numeric , and set the number of digits after decimal point to 15.
     Make sure that cells B2 , B3 , C2 , and C3 are not covered by the form.
     Development → VisualBasic → Place the cursor on line "Sub one19()" in the program listing
     Execution → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
     The calculation result is displayed as follows.

 ⑦ Discussion of trial results
     The speed of convergence of this infinite series is fast.

Forward Next Table
 Program language"UBASIC"  Program language "UBASIC"

 Clicking on the above program language "UBASIC" opens the UBASIC home download site.(If the site doesn't open , search for "UBASIC" to find a downloadable site.)
 Select and click the "UBASIC" you want to download from the excutable files on the site.
 The following explains the case where the OS of the PC used is Windows Vista.
  ① Click the excutable file "DOS/V 32bit version (111K) 2000/10/8" on the site.
Click [save]
  ③ Specify the save destination.
  ④ A compressed file "ub32v88f" is created in the save destination specified in ③.
  ⑤ When you double-click the compressed file "ub32v88f" in ④ , it will be self-decompressed and a folder "ub32v88f"will be created. 

Forward Next Table
 Double-click the executable file "UBV32.EXE" in the folder "ub32v88f" created at [Download "UBASIC"] to start "UBASIC".

Forward Next Table
 Double-click file "pai.xlsm" , "e.xlsm" , , and "one.xlsm" in the folder "UbVbaSample" created at "Download the samole peogram" to start "Excel".
 "pai.xlsm" is a program that approximates pi. "e.xlsm"is a program that approximates the base of natural logarithm."one.xlsm" is a program that approximates the natural number 1.
 Click [Development] → Click [VisualBasic] → Place the cursor on the Sub****() line in the list of programs you want to run → Execusion → Click "Run Sub/Userform"
 If the [Development] tab doesn't exit , follow the steps below to display it.
 Click [Office] → Click [Option of Excel] → Click "Show the Developer tab in the ribbon" in the basic options for using Excel. → Click [OK] 

Forward Table
 You can download UBASIC and ExcelVBA sample programs for "Consider an approximate value of pi", "Consider an approximate value of base of natural logarithm" , and "Consider an approximate valu of natural number 1" introduced on this website..
 If you click the "Sample Program Download" below , you can save the compressed file 「ubvbasample.lzh」 in LZH format on the desktop of your computer.
 When this compressed file "ubvbasample.lzh" is decompressed , a folder "UbVbaSample" is created. There are 46 UBASIC sample programs "~.UB" and 3 Excel VBA programs "~.xlsm" in the folder.
 Copy the UBASIC sample program "~.UB" to the folder where the UBASIC executable file "UBV32.EXE" is located.

Sample Program Download Sample Program Download

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"Story of π and e" (Wonder of numbers)
by YEO Eidorian
Yoshiaki Kubo , Ryo Hasumi translation

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please contact Email:wuenaegi@yahoo.co.jp

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