Around the Ruins of Koeji Temple

 There is a fairly flat land at the foot of Mt. Jyogane in uenaegi. It is now covered with banboo grove and trees , but this is the site of Koeji Temple and Samurai residence , and now there is one Kannon-do. The remains of the temple's foundation stones , masonry , old wells , a garden pond , moats , etc. , as well as the Hokyointo and Gorinto towers remain in the surrounding area.
 According to "the history of Kiso ancient times" , there is a mansion trace that still remains its trace on the flat land to the south of the castle , and it is said that it is the residence trace of the castle owner. There are several massions in the four-sided moat in the village , all of which are called "chef retainer residences".
 The area around the site of Koeji Temple is located on a hill in Fukuoka , and the remains of a mansion remain. Probably , the samurai residences were scattered from this area to the area around the ruins of Henkoji Temple.
 Many of the medieval samurai lived in rural areas. Then , in the rural arrea , they chose a hill overlooking the entire village , or a key point of major transportation or a flat land , and set up mansions.

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Old Well Hokyointo and Gorinto

Garden Pond Trace Samurai Redidence Masonry Trace

Cornerstone Moat Trace

Photo albnm 1(Hokyointo , Gorinto)
Photo album 2(Garden pond trace , Masonry , etc.)
Photo album 3(Koeji pond , Cornerstonr , etc.)

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